About create things: |
いや、最近 特にではなく、以前から私、そういう人間だった様な気もしますが・・・ |
I have been thought for a while.
Rather, I am sunk in thought right now.
Not only recently but maybe from the beginning I have been such a person… |
もし、偶発的に作られたとしたら、早々にこの世から排除される筈です。 |
Without a ‘reason’ and a ‘goal’, things cannot be created.
If something was made by chance, it must be fallen off the edge of the world in sooner. |
<そこが難しく、おもしろい> |
I believe that it is necessary to understand ‘reason/s’ of existence and ‘goal/s’ before starting creating things.
What should I do for doing so?
I feel the process of finding solutions for it is difficult but interesting. |
3つ程、列記しますと |
Hereunder, there are three keywords which I always keep in my mind. |
と、3段階くらいは立ち止まって自問自答をする。 |
‘-Really? Really? Really?’ |
I need to stop and ask myself at least 3phases. |
これは常日頃、日々精進あるのみですがね。 |
‘-Having a sense of beauty’ |
All I need is to devote myself to the pursuit of my faith. |
先ず、頭で整理をして、その後「心で考える」 |
‘-Think and feel / Think with my heart’ |
First I need to sort all things in my head, and then think with my heart. |
あるいは潜んでいるのか? |
‘Next step is selection of concepts’ |
What kinds of concepts are needed to achieve the goal?
What kinds of concepts are hidden underneath to accomplish the goal? |
その「もの」はどのような「こと」を新しく起こしてくれるのか? |
‘Then, consider (from) ‘things’.’ |
What can ‘things’ result in? |
と、まぁ、私の「ものづくり」の進め方の始まりの部分を書いてみました。 |
This is my way of thinking for making things. |
結局私が言いたいのはコンセプトをおろそかに「ものづくり」を進めてはいけない、という事なのです。 |
All I want to say is creative cannot start without establishing clear concept. |